What Is a Smart Meter?

Rhythm Research Team
Rhythm Research Team on Friday, June 18, 2021
Blog Hero: Meters

Smart Meters are just what they sound like—electronic devices that monitor your energy usage and send that information to your utility company for billing.

And they make sense. Companies realized that sending individuals to each home to check, hook up and monitor electric consumption and usage was a colossal waste of energy and time. Instead of sending workers to our homes to read our meters, all that data is now delivered wirelessly and instantly with Smart Meters.

Why Are Smart Meters Good?

Besides reducing unnecessary human labor, Smart Meters help give us real-time data, which can lead to reduced consumption and lower overall energy bills and carbon emissions. Because meter readings happen automatically and usually in intervals of 30 or so minutes, Smart Meters simplify the billing process and guarantee that energy usage is recorded accurately, while also allowing for the creation of a smart power grid.

As technology advances, our energy must, too. Simple as that. And at Rhythm, we’re proving that with every sunrise. Use our Rhythm Smart Alerts throughout the month, detailing your energy consumption and how it compares to months previously. Smart Meters help mitigate your carbon footprint, and our Texas energy plans all but eliminate them. And you can sign up in less than 60 seconds, because of technology.

If you’re ready to step into 2021 with energy that’s future-minded, see how much you could be saving with our Texas electricity plans—both in your wallet and for the planet.

P.S. Interested in your specific Smart Meter at your home? You can log onto Smart Meter Texas at smartmetertexas.com/home to gain access to the recorded energy usage of your meter.

Categories: Electricity 101
Tagged: smart meter, energy terms, energy education, smart metric define, what is a smart meter

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