Hollywood Green Scene: 5 Celebs Who Stand by Green Energy

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Rhythm Research Team on Monday, March 29, 2021
Blog Hero: Hollywood Green Scene: 5 Celebs Who Stand by Green Energy

If there's one thing that some of Hollywood's A-List celebrities have taught us, it's that going green can be just as glamorous as it is good for our planet! Whether they have pledged millions to eco-friendly charities or have pledged to only eat plant-based diets, these mega stars have spent years proving that our planet is worth fighting for.

Here is a list of 5 celebrities who dominate the Hollywood green scene and have proven their love for our planet in more ways than just dollar signs.

1. Leonardo DiCaprio: When it comes to environmentalists in Hollywood, there is one name that typically comes to mind. We all know him, we all love him, and he’s our favorite underrated Oscar snub (except for that one time) – Leonardo DiCaprio. DiCaprio uses his enormous platform and his well-respected voice to make change and #gogreen daily. It all started in 1998 when DiCaprio founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which is dedicated to the protection and wellbeing of all Earth’s inhabitants and has also been a leading force in public education for an array of green topics such as ecosystems, climate, and renewable energy. DiCaprio also serves on many environmental boards including the Natural Resources Defense Council, Global Green USA, World Wildlife Fund and the International Fund for Animal Welfare. Jay Gatsby may be a world-class elitist, but Leonardo DiCaprio is making world-class change. Cheers, old sport.

2. Julia Roberts: #NatureisSpeaking and Miss Erin Brockovich is listening... well, Julia Roberts and Erin Brockovich are listening. "I've always been an environmentalist, but my life changed the day I had children," Roberts shared. "I realized that I wasn't doing enough to protect the planet. People need nature and of course I want my children to have the best possible opportunity in life. I also realized how important it was for me to raise them to be conscientious people that are award of their impact on the Earth." Source: https://bit.ly/3bMbDqv Roberts is also known to practice what she preaches as her stunning Malibu abode is an inclusive representation of an eco-friendly retreat, boasting recycled tiles, solar panels, and reclaimed woods. Hollywood, but make it green.

3. Brad Pitt: "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" actor has been making waves in the green energy industry for quite some time but unfortunately, his headlining narrative seems to focus on his dating life rather than his valiant environmental efforts. We love Jen too, but we’re more concerned about our planet, which is why we gathered a few ways Pitt has embraced a green lifestyle. In 2006, Pitt held a press conference to support California Proposition 87 which aimed to tax oil production to raise approximately $4 billion dollars and ultimately promote energy alternative fuels and efficient vehicles. Then in 2007, Pitt created The Make It Right Foundation to aid in the environmentally friendly rebuilding of New Orleans’ Lower 9th Ward after Hurricane Katrina. According to the US Green Building Council, Make It Right Foundation community of homes is the largest greenest neighborhood of single homes in America and are LEED to ensure sufficient energy sustainability.

4. Cate Blanchett: A heroine of the elves in The Lord of the Rings isn’t the only iconic role Blanchett has played over the years. She’s also been a heroine of sustainability, going green, and speaking out for what’s right when it comes to our beautiful Earth in real time. Blanchett and her husband, Andrew Upton, are renowned for being proper advocates of Greening the Wharf, a project that oversaw 1,900 solar panels being installed in The Wharf Theatre at Sydney’s Walsh Bay. This initiative now provides 70 percent of the theatre’s electricity, and with a system for rainwater harvesting, will shortly turn it fully carbon neutral. On top of that, Blanchett gave an impacting announcement at the Venice Film Festival not too long ago stating that she would not be wearing any new fashion, but rather her wardrobe would be coming from her own closet and she would be recycling pieces she had previously premiered in accordance with her commitment to sustainability. We love a proud #greenqueen.

5. Edward Norton: Going green comes natural to this Incredible Hulk superstar, and in many forms other than just strength. From his outspoken support of The Wilderness Society and Earthjustice, to his widely recognized work on the BP Solar Neighbors Program, Norton’s name surely pops up within a variety of environmentally friendly initiatives around the globe. Norton is also well recognized as the United Nations Goodwill Ambassador for Biodiversity and at his designation ceremony in 2010, he spoke about how environmental issues are the “defining challenge of this era.” Norton’s list of eco-friendly successes goes on and on, but we will end with one final accomplishment which recognizes Norton as an active board member of Friends of the Highline, a group that advocates for rebuilding green space in NYC.

There you have it. Our top five Planet Earth activists who are loud and proud to #gogreen. Now you can sit back, relax, and enjoy Pretty Woman for the 47th time without feeling any type of guilt about Julia Roberts contributing to waste in LA. Should the average American care about what celebs do in their free time?

Categories: Sustainability
Tagged: clean energy, solar, renewable energy, celebrity, sustainable celebs, green celebrities, environmentalist celebs, eco-friendly celebs, leonardo dicaprio, julia roberts, ed norton, cate blanchatt, brad pitt, texas wind, clean air, energy, go green celebrities, hollywood green, hollywood eco-friendly

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