La historia de Chapman Ranch

Rhythm Research Team
Rhythm Research Team on martes, 29 de junio de 2021

Welcome to Chapman Ranch. Nestled in the heart of Nueces County, Texas, near Corpus Christi, the Chapman Ranch Wind Farm uses the Gulf Coast's mighty winds to feed clean energy into the electric grid. Renowned for its panoramic views of land and sky, Chapman Ranch has a rich history. Keep reading to learn all about why Chapman Ranch is a true gem to local Texans and hear the significance of supporting a cleaner and greener future for us all.

Imágenes de drones de la granja eólica Chapman Ranch, condado de Nueces, Texas.

In January 1919, Philip Alexander Chapman purchased 34,631 acres of land from a division of King Ranch with the intent to develop it into farmland. Soon after, he delegated primary operations of the land to his son, J.O. Chapman, who divided “Nueces Farms” into 160-acre tracts to lease to tenant farmers. Years later, in 1924, the historical name of Chapman Ranch was born.

Chapman Ranch was recognized as the world’s largest mechanized farm boasting 20,000 acres in cultivation. The Ranch was also known as a place of experimentation and innovation with both crops and machinery that later introduced trials on the advancement of cotton production. This led the heirs of the Chapman family to formulate a new and superior strain of long-staple cotton, the seed of which was marketed worldwide.

Fast forward to present day, the Chapman family continues to run the ranch and cotton is still the main crop, but now the Ranch is beautifully framed by 81 turbines that generate 249 MW of clean energy each year. The Chapman Ranch Wind Project opened in October 2017 and provides enough power to supply 64,000 homes.

Because it’s clean energy, the 249 MW each year helps offset the CO2 emissions from...

  • 443,484 miles driven by a standard sedan

  • 195,040 pounds of coal burned

  • 21.45 million smartphones being fully charged

With Rhythm Energy’s Chapman Ranch Plans, you are investing in local, clean energy, empowering more wind farms like Chapman to get built around the state, further helping Texas' economy and the planet’s health.

We love our home state of Texas, and that’s why we put all our energy into making sure it’s around forever. By supporting Chapman Ranch, we are making a statement about the future of our home state, and we would love for you to join us.

Its energy made by Texans, for Texans. You can learn more about The Chapman Ranch Project and your impact by following us on social media at @gotrhythmhq for future updates.

To learn more about wind energy and Texas energy visit our blogs:


Categories: Rhythm 101
Tagged: chapman ranch, wind farm, texas wind, texas wind farm, texas windmill, chapman wind farm, windmill, wind power, wind energy, chapman ranch windmill

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